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Five Ways to Save Money Each Month

Today we are going to look at five ways to save money each month.

I can’t believe I am typing these words, but in less than a month, my first baby will be 16 years old. They say that it goes by fast and while you are in the thick of diapers, long nights, and temper tantrums, it is hard to believe. But I am your living testimony. The days really are long, but the years do fly by. What I wouldn’t give to hold that warm snuggly baby one more time. Sigh. But, time has ushered in a new era. One of excitement and new experiences.

The most exciting one, according to my teenager, is the ability to start driving. Because of that, we are looking at cars. Of course, this is the worst time in the last 10 years to be looking at cars due to inflation and supply chain issues…but here we are. So because of that, we are having to tighten up the budget. After a deep dive into money saving websites, I have compiled five ways to save money each month.

  1. Stay home. How many times do you leave your house out of sheer boredom only to find yourself aimlessly wandering the aisles of stores? I am looking at you Target. When we stay home, we are way less likely to spend money.
  2. Meal plan. You have heard me sing this song many times in the last month, but it is true. When you have a plan, you are much less likely to eat out. But let’s take it one step further. Make it FUN!! On taco night, put some tortilla chips in a basket and pair it with a bowl of homemade salsa. Let everyone choose their own toppings for homemade pizza, make homemade ice cream for dessert…the options are endless. When you add a simple layer of fun to your meals at home, it can be even better than going to a restaurant.
  3. Change that thermostat. Even a degree or two in the winter can equal HUGE savings on your energy bill. I love a warm and cozy home. It is actually a very important concept to me. So, I invested in soft throw blankets on every chair. This allows my family to snuggle up, but keeps the energy bill at bay.
  4. Unsubscribe and unfollow. Marketing gurus are SMART! They get paid a TON of money to draw you in and make you buy a product. Now, they not only send you emails, they pay influencers a ton of money to promote their products on social media. Unsubscribe and unfollow. Your bank account will thank me.
  5. Check your apps and subscriptions. Amazon is a big one!! You may not need that Kindle Unlimited subscription if you are only reading 1-2 books per month. Check those apps and subscriptions to make sure they are really worth your hard earned money!

So, these are five ways you can save money each month. Maybe just try one and see who much you can save!